Hey there! Welcome to MokenchiTV. We’re interracial vloggers on YouTube bringing you health and happiness through online video.
Today, we’re going on a little weekend adventure. As you may or may not know, we run a lawn care service from home called United Family Lawn Care Services.
Our mission? To put up a fence for an elderly couple in China Grove, NC.
The platforms that we used were originally put up as a carport for their new car. Apparently someone vandalized their car and it would be a while before they could bring in their carport.
Now that the carport is on the way, they want to put up a fence to keep people from cutting through their yard. They destroyed their previous wire fence doing this.
Of course, we were happy to help!
Fixing A Fence | Lawn Care Services China Grove, NC | Davis Family Lawn Care | MokenchiTV
(Click here to view video on YouTube)
It didn’t take too long to do. The hardest part was transporting the panels from one side of their yard to the other.
Jeff is hard-headed and thought the hand trucks would be better than a real truck. Needless to say that we ended using a real truck, haha!
After we finished the job we ate at lunch at the family restaurant just down the road from their house. China Grove Family Restaurant is the best! Just don’t expect to find too much diet food there.
We got subs and chilli cheese fries that were extra cheesy. If you are in the area and have a cheese craving, these are for you!
Keona got chicken tenders and fries. She tried to resist the cheesiness but even she caved in at the end.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this. Please leave your comments below if you have any.
If you’re looking for lawn care, check us out on Google or our site, United Family Lawn Care, and we’ll be more than happy to help!
See you next time 🙂 I’ll be sharing more videos and pictures of Bermuda if you’re interested 😉